I decided after all these years I would rebind the CTRL+A after I ended up logging out of my shell by pressing CTRL+A CTRL+D [times 3] trying to go to the beginning of a bash prompt and delete the beginning few characters. Yes, I use CTRL+D :P
So while looking into this I found so many other useful things to do inside of .screenrc. I chose CTRL+S as my new screen command character, since nothing I do uses it, and it really shouldn't since it's the old XON/XOFF flow control.
Below is my documented .screenrc:
#we know startup_message off # if we accidentally hangup, don't be all attached when we come back. :P autodetach on # more scrollbacks! defscrollback 10000 # disable use of the "alternate" terminal # thus allowing scrollbars to function as normal in # many terminal emulators! <3 it termcapinfo xterm\* ti@:te@ # have screen update terminal emulators titlebar termcapinfo xterm\* 'hs:ts=\\E]0;:fs=\\007:ds=\\E]0;\\007' defhstatus "screen ^E (^Et) \| $USER@^EH" # but dont print i.e. "bell in window 0" status craps #hardstatus off #default shell title. for bash, place in .bashrc to update titles to current running program: # export PS1='\\[\\033k\\033\\\\\\]\\u@\\h:\\w\\$ ' shelltitle "$ \|bash" #pretty window list at bottom caption always '%{= kg}[%L=%{+u b} %=%{-u W}%?%-Lw%?%45L>%{Y}(%n\*%f%t)%?(%u)%?%{W}%+Lw%{+u b} %=%-1=%{-u g}]' # turn off XON/XOFF, wow. seriously. whys it default, ick. defflow off # now we've new keys! screen command key CTRL+S escape ^Ss