I'm back!

Thu 26 August 2010
By mute

I stopped blogging because my setup was using blogger.com to upload to my host... well, they disabled FTP like back in May and I finally got off my last ass to setup MySQL and Wordpress. I didn't do mysql before I think because of the resources it uses. I tweaked it a bit and disabled InnoDB and then turned off fastcgi so php wasn't always around gobbling up the extra RAM too. my entire VPS uses 14MB while logged in via sshd (which is about 4MB of that!)

The biggest helps was disabling the innodb engine in mysql, dropped 10MB! and of course not keep php-cgi running.. each of those used a lot, and more than likely I never need more than 1 anyway :)

So I preceeded to clean up the disk too, lots of archives for my router hacking, which I now do on my iBook G4. My little 12G disk now has >8G free now instead of 2G...! w00t

so fresh and so clean :D
